Phortos Consultants have been involved in the global FAIR movement from the start as co-organisers and
moderaters of the first FAIR conference in 2014 and are co-authors of the seminal Nature paper
The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship


We have helped many organisations in articulating a coherent FAIR strategy. We often get involved with supporting the implementation as well.

One of the key aspects we consider is to define clear levels of required FAIRness for specific types of data. We then help define a realistic implementation roadmap considering both human, technological aswell as organisational aspects.

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One of the deciding factors in the successful realisation of a FAIR data strategy is communicating it effectively to all relevant stakeholders.

It is essential to demonstrate the value of FAIR data to end users as well as technical staff. Also the entire stake holder community must be brought on board with the FAIR implementation strategy.

We can tailor a FAIR communications strategy with you that leverages our proven FAIR awareness events and FAIR value workshops.

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Although FAIR is to an extent a technological approach, a deciding factor is the human element.

The successful implementation of FAIR requires people with complementary skills such as data stewards, ontological and semantic modellers and linked data &semantic web engineers.

We can help you assess what skills you need to develop or insource and devise a 360 degree skills development strategy. Our existing online courses and training infrastructure as well as our nextwork of FAIR will help speed up your learning curve significantly.

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Enabling world leading public and private organisations to adopt FAIR


If you would like to know more about how we could help you realising your FAIR ambitions and goals, please leave a message!

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